Roth radiant heating and cooling systems

Efficient system solutions for all areas of application

Heating and cooling systems for all-round comfort

The demands on the quality of living spaces in old and new buildings are increasing.
And with it, the expectations for contemporary temperature control.

Whether for residential buildings, office and commercial properties, industrial and sports halls, or open spaces - what was the exception yesterday is taken for granted today: demand-optimised heating and cooling systems that continuously keep pace with individual requirements. It is therefore hardly surprising that planners and building owners opt for radiant heating and cooling when choosing a modern and advanced system solution. Retrofitting an area heating and cooling system is also in trend.

The decisive criteria in the selection of an radiant heating and cooling system are, in addition to user comfort and architectural design freedom, energy savings, hygiene as well as environmental protection.

Radiant heating systems for a better quality of living

Comfortable rooms are the goal when selecting a suitable radiant heating and cooling system in new constructions and renovations. The personal well-being of each individual depends on objective and subjective parameters. A high level of thermal comfort is achieved by uniformly tempered room surfaces.

The radiant temperature and surface temperatures can be positively adjusted by selecting the right radiant heating or cooling system. The lower the temperature of the enclosing surfaces (walls, floors and ceilings), the higher the room air must be heated to achieve comfort and vice versa. This effect can be compensated for by the targeted use of wall or ceiling temperature control systems

Certified healthy living for Roth products

Under the slogan "Healthy living, building and renovation - together for healthy and sustainable living spaces", the Sentinel Haus Institut pursues the objective of creating living spaces that are low in pollutants. Roth radiant heating and cooling systems are technically and functionally the high-quality solution when it comes to efficient, resource-saving heating and cooling. In addition, they meet the highest standards of living health and sustainability: this is confirmed by the seal of the "Sentinel Haus" institute, which has tested the four essential components of the Roth radiant heating and cooling system for emissions and pollutants according to transparent and traceable criteria.

QNG seal as a prerequisite for BEG funding

The specially manufactured Roth Sentinel composite rolls and Roth Sentinel composite folding panels were also able to complete QNG certification ("Quality Seal Sustainable Building") for individual products. Together with the X-PERT S5®+ system pipe, Roth has also received QNG system certification.

The government "Quality Seal Sustainable Building" takes a holistic approach to the entire life cycle of a building and its surroundings. The criteria set by the German Federal Ministry of Construction range from production to the subsequent recycling of the materials used and their impact on health. In new construction, the QNG seal is a prerequisite for BEG funding ("Federal funding for efficient buildings").

Everything regulated optimally

Roth control technology

Maxium comfort with minimal cost

Radiant heating and cooling systems should provide an operating mode that is optimally adapted to the weather conditions and the user requirements, while at the same time ensuring maximum economy and the best possible energy utilisation. The components of Roth control technology meet all requirements and are optimally matched to the operating mode of Roth radiant heating and cooling systems.


Das Plus an Leistungen für Flächen-Heiz- und Kühlsysteme

"All-round carefree" with Roth

Roth accompanies you to the construction site
Roth organises the installation of all Roth radiant heating and cooling systems for you. The size of the installation teams can be flexibly adapted to the construction project at any time. From planning to implementation, Roth is your contact. Roth takes care of simple, smooth processing for you. The installation teams work in close coordination with you, ensure the highest quality and are trained in the use of all Roth systems.

The comprehensive and time-saving service from Roth

The "Roth Information Assistant" (RIA) service app makes the installer's job easier by providing comprehensive information on Roth panel heating and cooling systems and Roth DWT plus 3 and KWT heating oil tanks. The free app is easy and straightforward to use.

> Contact via chat/phone
> Product info - installation videos and documentation
> System finder - selection of the optimal system
> Projects - support during commissioning

Pre-assembled distribution stations

Labor costs and assembly processes optimized efficiently

The distribution stations are pre-assembled in different variants and available from stock or can be assembled individually according to customer requirements and delivered ready for connection. In the object area, the distributor location can be marked. Door and frame can be delivered at different times, depending on the customer's requirements - Roth can provide you with the right solution for every construction site requirement.

> Sources of error are minimized
> optimum material flow on the construction site
> template included for protection during plastering
> door is supplied in separate packaging for the flush-mounted cabinet

Economic room heating

Experts know: The larger the heat radiating surface, the more effective and economical is the room heating. Compared to conventional radiators, the ideal room temperature with radiant heating is 1 ºC to 2 ºC lower. The resulting energy savings of 6 to 12 % speak for themselves, as do lower system and flow temperatures. These are ideal conditions for combining with renewable energy sources such as Roth heat pumps and solar collectors. Further plus points also result from the hygiene aspect. For example, drying out deprives bacteria and dust mites of the means of survival.


System expertise

Roth system solutions for ambitious tasks: Roth, as the inventor of the Tacker system, is one of the leading suppliers of radiant heating and cooling systems. All Roth radiant heating and cooling systems have proven themselves in practice millions of times over. Roth has years of experience and thus the greatest technological know-how.