Roth brine/water heat pumps

Use geothermal energy in any season

Soil is a good heat accumulator

The temperatures in the ground are almost constant all year round. For heat pumps that use the ground as a heat source, this means a high coefficient of performance and low energy consumption.

The heat stored in the ground is usually used via geothermal collectors or geothermal probes. Here, the heat is absorbed via a brine circuit and fed to the cold side of the heat pump. The soil properties and water content are important. Solid and moist soils are better than dry and sandy ones.

For horizontally installed geothermal collectors, a plot area is required that is approximately 1.5 to 2.5 times the living area to be heated. The geothermal collector with Roth plastic pipe is laid below the frost line at a depth of about 1.2 meters to 1.5 meters. The undisturbed temperature at this depth is between +5 and +10 °C, depending on the season. In new construction areas, laying during the construction phase is very simple. The soil is pushed off on the required area and filled in again after the collector has been laid.
It is also possible to lay the collector in trenches. In this case, less earth needs to be moved. If neither is possible, vertically inserted geothermal probes can be used. Geothermal collectors are subject to notification. The installation only has to be reported to the water management office.

Vertically installed geothermal probes require very little surface area. From a depth of about 10 meters, the undisturbed temperature of the ground is very constant throughout the year, at 8 to 12 °C. If geothermal probes are used, planning and execution must be carried out by a certified (quality seal) well and probe builder. Compared to ground collectors, geothermal probe systems are associated with higher development costs.

Geothermal probes are well suited if the plots are small. The usual probe length is between 40 and 100 meters. The use of geothermal probes is subject to approval.



Roth brine/water heat pumps